Lost and Found reminder: Label your things!

Lost and Found would like to be sure everyone remembers to label all their items with your child’s name! I will do my best to return all labeled items to your child. Lost and Found is housed in the hallway on the South side of the cafeteria. Please feel free to peruse the Lost and Found for your child’s items or to send your child there before assembly to retrieve their things. Unlabeled and unclaimed items are donated to charity at Winter Break, Spring Break, and Summer Break.  Go label your child’s lunch box and thermos right now, before you forget!

Label it!  When you order labels from StickerKid, you get quality labels at a great price AND Hill PTA gets FREE MONEY.  Win-Win!  Click here to order ( https://www.stickerkid.com/usa_en?oid=63073_5332).  Use code HAPPYCHILDREN for an additional 5% discount!