Torres Hill Elementary Alumni Scholarship 2023-2024

The Hill Elementary Alumni Scholarship was established in 2011 to honor Hill’s 40th anniversary. It is now called The Suzanne and Vincent Torres Hill Elementary Alumni Scholarship in honor of Mr. Torres and his wife, and their dedication to our school and the district. The goal is to recognize former students who have excelled in their academic endeavors, supported their community through service projects, and proven they possess a drive to further their education. By granting this scholarship, we encourage students to continue their academic endeavors beyond high school and hope to strengthen the relationship between Hill and its alumni. This year, one scholarship in the amount of $1000 will be awarded.

Selection Criteria:

  • Must be a graduating senior of AISD
  • Must have attended Hill Elementary School for at least 3 years
  • Must show involvement in community service
  • Must write a one page essay

 Link to the Application here. DEADLINE Friday April 12, 2024. 

Holiday Dillo Card Orders – DUE MONDAY!

It may look a little different, but we are still ready to take your Dillo card orders for the holidays!  A few details:

  • All orders will be placed online through a Google form this year.
  • We WILL be able to do a bulk order of physical cards to use for the holiday orders!
  • Unfortunately, we are still unable to offer HEB cards currently.
  • Orders are due MONDAY, NOVEMBER 30th.  We won’t be able to accept late orders.
  • Pickup or delivery details will be announced closer to the date.

Click here to place your order today!
Questions:  Contact