Report an absence to the attendance specialist

For your convenience, you may now report an absence through the AISD website here:

Absences should be reported from the parent, guardian, or doctor within 48 hours of returning to school.  If you have a physical copy of a doctor’s note it can be uploaded through the link above or turned in to the front office.  


Attendance Law Reminder

  • Once a student is enrolled with AISD State Law requires students to attend school.
  • Notes must be received by the Attendance Specialist within two days of the absence or tardy. Students attending family trips during scheduled school days will receive an unexcused absence. Car problems, traffic, or oversleeping will not be considered as an excused absence or tardy.
  • Do not call the office to report an absence; instead use the link above or turn in the doctor’s note to the office.
  • When a student has accumulated three unexcused absences or tardies, the District mails a warning letter to the parents. Parents may be required to attend a hearing when the student has accumulated 10 unexcused absences or tardies.
  • If a student needs to leave school for any reason, allow yourself enough time to sign them out in the office and to go get them from the classroom.
  • You must sign the student out in the office. Leaving for any part of the day will result in an unexcused tardy. Students leaving for a medical appointment must bring a note from the doctor to excuse the absence. Students sent home for illness are excused.
  • A student is tardy if he/she is not with their teacher when the 7:45 bell rings. If you arrive late to school, come to the office for a tardy slip before going to class.

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