PTA End of Year Review

What an amazing year Dillos! This year was so fun and so many memories were made!

Thank you to all our Teachers, Staff and Dillos for showing up, working hard and giving it your Dillo Best EVERYDAY!. 

Thank you to all of our Hill Community – Parents, Caregivers, PTA Members, PTA Executive Board Members, Committee Chairs, Volunteers and Contributors. Our school and PTA is successful because of YOU! 

A big Dillo Cheer to all our Committee Chairs who worked throughout the year to make the many fundraisers, programs and events as successful as they are. We couldn’t do it without the following volunteers:

And lastly, a big thank you to our PTA Executive Board. Thank you for all your hard work and commitment.

  • President-Elect: Margarita Bagwell
  • VP of Communications (Dillo Details/Social): Erin Hanson
  • VP of Sponsorship: Jessica McKay
  • VP of Membership: Kristen Trout
  • VP of Ways and Means: Miso Yang
  • Secretary: Weatherly Schroeder 
  • Treasurer: Brent McNguyen
  • Parliamentarian: Tiffany Cross
  • ACPTA Representative: Erica Martindale & Jessica Patino
  • CAC Representative: Alexis Holder
  • Faculty Connections: Maitri Shah
  • Principal: Jack Drummond

A BIG DILLO CHEER to all our Dillos! Have a great summer!

– Melanie Petersen; 2023-2024 PTA President
