Dillo Cheers!


Please give a BIG DILLO CHEER for Erica Martindale, Book Fair Chair, and her committee for a GREAT Book Fair this week.  All of our classrooms have visited the fair and it has been a blast! Thank you to all the families who participated and came out to support the book fair at Family Night. Another BIG DILLO CHEER goes to our music teachers, Maestro and Mr. Flott, for directing the 3rd graders who performed at family night. Thank you, Hill families, for a FUN Literati Book Fair Week!


Please give a BIG DILLO CHEER for Erica Butler, UIL Lead, and to all the parents who helped proctor, grade, & pass out pizza at the meet. UIL would not have been a success without your help. Thank you to our wonderful UIL coaching team- Heather & Micahel Clervi (Storytelling), Kevin Butler (Chess), Monisha Gandhi (Oral Reading), Paige Teng (Spelling), Ahmed Abbas (Number Sense), & Diep Le (Maps, Graphs, Charts). They did a great job helping our Dillos prepare & were very generous with their time. Congratulations to all the students who participated, you made Hill so proud!