Committee Chairs Needed!

Are you interested in helping or chairing one of our many school events?  If interested, please contact Melanie Waters,

Box Tops: The Box Tops committee collects and submits Box Tops and Labels for Education, organizes prizes to motivate students, and encourages participation.  **need a lead chair

College Days: Help build excitement about continuing education and the working world by inviting parents, friends and other professionals to speak at morning assembly. **need a lead chair

Lost and Found:  Organize lost items from the school’s campus.  Advertise lost items in the Dillo Details monthly.  **need a lead chair

Yearbook:  A team of volunteers is needed to handle graphic design, photos, logistics and communication for this annual keepsake for your child’s time at Hill.  **need person/s to help yearbook chairs throughout the year

Literacy Library:  This small library is for teacher-use only as students are learning to read at various levels. Volunteers are needed to check books in/out and assist with occasional audits.  **need a lead chair

Volunteer Coordinators:  This committee coordinates Volunteer Training, Teacher Appreciation Week, and communicates regularly with Homeroom Parents and Grade Level Parents about school events.   **need an assistant to chair