A Letter from the PTA President

Hill families,
We made it through the first semester of school and are getting right into the groove of the 2nd semester.  This year seems to be flying by!

As we enter the season of electing new officers for our Hill Executive Board and committee chairs for the 2020-2021 school year, I want to thank all who are currently volunteering your time in one of these many roles.  You are appreciated and valued!   From working in the teacher workroom, to planning class parties, baking cakes for teacher birthdays, buying your child a Dillo t-shirt, helping our wonderful librarians, building a spooky and scary haunted house, helping serve food at 4thgrade Culture Fest, judging science fair projects….and so much more….it makes a difference!  THANK YOU – We could not do it without you!

On that note, I wanted to share, with your help, what the PTA has accomplished this year so far!  We have:

  • Provided 25 families weekend meals every week
  • Hosted Thanksgiving luncheon for our teachers and staff
  • Provided coffee during our Principal’s coffee
  • Raised funds to provide new technology equipment for grade levels and classrooms
  • Designed, sold and distributed spirit shirts and provided shirts for every staff member
  • Provided funds for salary assistance for various specialists
  • Sent PTA representatives to Anderson Vertical Team Meanings, CAC (Campus Advisory Council) meetings, CAT (new Hill addition & gym) meetings, ACPTA (Austin Council of PTA’s) meetings
  • Collected Box Tops for Education each month, raising money for our school
  • Hosted our annual Sock Hop
  • Organized Spirit Nights at Russo’s Pizza, Austin Terrier and Brick Oven – a community-building night with a portion of proceeds going back to our school
  • Spruced up the green spaces on campus
  • Sold packaged school supplies for busy families & distributed them to classrooms
  • Held training for room parents and school volunteers
  • Planned and Executed a fun and successful Hill Country Carnival – sold tickets, filled booths with volunteers, prizes and food, provided a fun afternoon for students that raised money for our school, gave bundles of tickets to Hill students in need.


As we enter our spring semester we look forward to hosting our annual Hill Hoopla on Friday, March 6th!  Hoopla is our largest adult/parent fundraiser and the theme this year is Cowboy Casino.  Stay tuned for details on ticket sales and more information.  We hope to see everyone there!!  Also looking forward to our Heritage Fashion Show, Book Fair, hosting Kinder Orientation, starting construction on our new building addition and gym and much more!  Hill families YOU are AMAZING!!  Look at all we have done!  We have an amazing set of students, administration, staff, teachers and parents who help make Hill the best from coast to coast.  THANK YOU!

Melanie Waters
Hill PTA President, president@hillelementary.com