A Letter from Principal Drummond

Dear Hill Dillo Community,

I have enjoyed the past few weeks learning and interacting with students and parents as the interim principal of Hill School. Our campus has been very busy with activities, celebrations, and amazing learning. As winter moves out, the busyness of spring is upon us!

After the fun celebrations on Valentine’s Day, it was a fantastic time for teams to reflect and collaborate on February 15th as our staff participated in professional development from the Creative Learning Initiative which focuses on integrating fine arts, movement, and critical thinking in the classroom. It has been really incredible to see this work transform lessons on our campus as we continue building our practice.

We are so proud of our counselors who were recognized by the school board Monday night for their second CREST Award for counseling excellence. Hill School is so fortunate to have Ms. Wessels and Ms. Winfrey educating and supporting our students each and every day.

UIL was a huge success with amazing participation. Congratulations, Dillos! We had a beautiful day for our first Hill Health Fair which broadened our focus on keeping students healthy and active. A big Dillo Cheer for Coach Schafer and his team, including Hill staff and Nurse Pierson who chased all those germs away! Ms. Newton even stopped by to check in on our students.

Hill dinosaurs young and old enjoyed the annual Book Fair led by Ms. Pustka and Ms. Banda, along with our wonderful PTA. It was good to see everyone out having fun, adding to home libraries, and supporting classroom libraries here at Hill. Thanks to all who attended!

Spring break is just around the corner, and we are all looking forward to spending time with family while also planning for a fabulous finish to our spring semester.

Jack Drummond