5th Grade Problem Based Project

The Fifth Graders at Hill have been involved in an advocacy project to help protect our environment.  This Problem Based Project focuses on plastic straws, how they are bad for the environment and how we can help solve this problem.  Students researched the problem, collected data and conducted surveys about plastic straws, and then fought to seek change and solutions.  Students created educational resources, advertised their campaign, and strategized plans and solutions to share with local businesses and government.
This t-shirt is a compilation of student ideas and designs to help promote their campaign to skip the straw and save the world! Please help them make a difference and puchcase this t-shirt.
Some students will be meeting with local businesses and government officials in the next few weeks, so we need to order t-shirts quickly, so students can proudly where their shirts when they meet to collaborate.  All fifth graders are encouraged to order a t-shirt.  If you are unable to purchase, and need a scholarship, please inform your classroom teacher or the office and we will assist. The t-shirts are for sale for anyone, including other grade levels, adults, parents, staff, and community members.  The more the public sees this shirt, the more they can learn about this problem and how to solve it.   Go to https://austinisd.schoolcashonline.com/ to order a shirt.  The deadline to order is Friday, April 13th.