Get everything you need for the 2023-2024 school year by participating in Online Open House! In just a few minutes you can join Hill’s PTA, order birthday books and posters, and learn about the various ways we can support our school. CLICK HERE to begin!
Our Online Open House includes the following ways to support Hill Elementary:
PTA Membership – Join the Hill Elementary PTA! More members = more influence for the State PTA organization to lobby on behalf of education needs. Our goal is 100% membership, so we’d love for both parents join. PTA membership is annual. You must be a member to vote on issues at PTA meetings.
Birthday Books – Celebrate your child’s birthday by donating a book to the Hill Library in their honor. Your student will get the opportunity to pick out the book and be the first allowed to check it out.
Birthday Posters – Celebrate your child’s birthday with a birthday poster. Birthday posters will be displayed on the monitor immediately as you walk into the front door of Hill. Students can pick the color and theme for the poster to be displayed during their birthday month. There is also an option for the poster to be printed – students will have their posters delivered to them in class.
Dillo Donations – This is our largest fundraiser. With this fundraiser, PTA has purchased technology subscriptions like NearPod, Class Composer, Learning A-Z and also funds the school’s computer technician who supports the technology needs of the campus.
Booster Club – Your Booster donations go directly to fund items that teachers request for their classrooms. This includes items such as technology subscriptions, supplemental curriculum and classroom supplies. Any amount is appreciated!
Student Needs Scholarship – The student needs fund provides support for Hill families for things such as weekend meals, field trip fees, and other items as identified by the school administration. Any amount is appreciated.
The Suzanne and Vincent Torres Hill Alumni Scholarship Fund – This fund, started in 2010, was created to provide scholarships for graduating high school seniors that are former Hill Dillos. It was renamed in 2015 in honor of Suzanne and Vincent Torres for their many years of service as past Hill parents and in recognition of Mr. Torres’ service as our district’s representative on the AISD School Board of Trustees.
Hill Directory – Looking for your class list, want to invite someone for a playdate, or just can’t remember that parent’s name you just met? Have it all at your fingertips by downloading the DirectorySpot app or online at This year’s directory information will become available mid- to late- October.
Online Open House will close on August 27th.