The online Directory has been updated!

You can search by name (first or last of student or parent), by teacher, or grade.

Hill now offers an online directory and mobile app through Directory Spot.  It is free and accessible to only Hill parents and teachers.

As long as we have your email address from the AISD registration, you will have access to the app.  You will be able to modify the information shown for your family.


  • Download DirectorySpot App (it is a green icon but screen is orange once logged in)
  • Username is your email (depending on what is on file with AISD)
  • Click Reset Password 
  • Click link in your email to set your password
  • Relaunch the DirectorySpot app & login
  • Review & update your information 

★ Also available online at


This information will be used in the printed version so confirm it is correct.

Printed Directories will print in early October.  If you didn’t order one during open house, this is your last chance:

Cost $8.  They will be sent home with your child in October.

Questions? Contact Melanie Fricke at