Dear Hill Community,
Thank you for a smooth month of September. Now we are moving into cooler temperatures of the fall months. This means that 5th grade DilloQuest Camp and our Hill Carnival are soon ahead of us. This is always a fun time of the year to celebrate families and community!
As stated on the Hill Calendar October 23 is a Professional Development Day for staff. Students do not have school on this day. Our staff will be involved in multiple training sessions on this day in the areas of writing, technology, math problem solving, SEL and literacy. Staff will also be completing their yearly gifted and talented update training. Finally we will have time for teacher and team planning on this day, as we move towards the second nine weeks of school. Thank you for your support of teacher professional development at Hill.
Finally, it is with mixed emotions that I share with you that Laura Coaxum, Hill first grade teacher, has accepted a job as an Instructional Coach in Round Rock ISD. Her last day working at Hill Elementary School will be Tuesday, October 3. We appreciate Ms. Coaxum’s service to the students of Hill School for the past 8 years. She has been a teacher leader on campus and we will miss her dearly!
We welcome Sally Schwarz as our new first grade teacher at Hill. Mrs. Schwarz is a certified teacher, who received her degree from SMU in 2004. Mrs. Schwarz taught second grade for two years at Bowie Elementary in Richardson ISD before deciding to be a stay at home mom with her children. Sally has subbed at Hill School often over the past two years, and has been highly requested by staff. Last school year, Mrs. Schwarz was hired as a kindergarten teacher at Doss Elementary School. Mrs. Schwarz has a strong background working with students and is very excited to become your child’s teacher.
Have a wonderful weekend and we will see you in the halls!
Beth Newton