Families with students in First through Fifth grades, join us for Back to School Night on September 1st.  This is a parent-only evening. 5:30-6:00pm.  Cafeteria.  Short presentations from Hill administration, Essential Areas, and PTA. 6:00-6:45pm.  Classrooms.  Presentations from your classroom teacher(s).  Families who need to visit multiple classrooms are invited to move in and out as needed.

We are looking for 2 volunteers to come help our little ones who are still learning how to open and close their lunchboxes, as well as open those pesky milk cartons!  Please sign up for a short shift to help our little Dillos from 11:15am-12:15pm.  SIGN UP HERE!  All volunteers need to register and complete paperwork prior to volunteering, which you can do HERE!

Dear Hill Community, We look forward to seeing our 1st-5th Grade parents on campus this Thursday, September 1st at 5:30 pm for our Back to School Night event. Hill administration, Essential Areas, and our wonderful PTA will give a presentation and introduction for our caregivers to begin in our Hill cafeteria. All families are welcome to come and receive this information. At 6:00 pm sharp, you will be released to your…

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to our Hill faculty and staff celebrating birthdays this month!  We are grateful for you and wish you the best!  9/05 Jennifer Zurovec.  9/07 Lindsey Zigal.  9/12 Lorella Loftus.  9/19 Clara Rivas.  

Dear Hill Community, The first day of the 2022-2023 school year is Monday! It was wonderful to see all of the smiling faces that came through the door on Friday for our Meet the Teacher event. This first week letter is very lengthy but hopefully provides helpful information as we transition to the fall semester. You can also click here for the Parent Handbook with a lot of the same information. Here are…

Have you signed up as a volunteer or homeroom parent?  Are you interested in volunteering but aren’t sure what it involves?  Please join us for a virtual Volunteer Training/Homeroom Parent Meeting/Q&A via Zoom, on August 24th.  There are 2 sessions available, join us for the one that is more convenient for you: 9:30am Meeting.  CLICK HERE for the Zoom link.  (Meeting ID: 832 2160 3403  Passcode: dillos) 2:00pm Meeting.  CLICK HERE for…

Hello, Hill Community! As the start of school is inching ever closer, we want to ensure you have the information you need for a smooth first arrival and dismissal at Hill School. A separate letter is going out with more general information for the upcoming week [included in the post above]. Please ensure you let your teachers know how your student will be getting home for the first week of school…

Volunteering as a Hill Homeroom Parent is a great way to get to know your teacher, other students, and fellow parents.  Our Homeroom Parents serve as the main points of contact for our classrooms.  You will need to attend Volunteer Training/Homeroom Parent Meeting/Q&A on August 24th, at 9:30am or 2:00pm, and register as a volunteer.  The primary duties typically include (but may vary based on fluctuating Covid19-numbers): Assisting with classroom-wide communication, Recruiting…

Do you want to share something in Dillo Details?  Submissions may be sent to April Beaty at  dillodetails@hillelementary.com or submitted ONLINE.  Please understand that they may be edited and curated for style, clarity, relevance, and space.   Deadline is Wednesday evening of the week to be published!

Will your Dillo be buying breakfast or lunch at school this year?  Please visit the AISD SchoolCafe page and log in to your account to make payments, schedule automatic payments, set purchase restrictions, request low balance alerts, submit meal applications, view purchases, and check out the menus.  If you need to apply for Free or Reduced-Price meals you may complete this step on SchoolCafe as well.  Please don’t hesitate to reach…
