Volunteer Training – Aug 24

Have you signed up as a volunteer or homeroom parent?  Are you interested in volunteering but aren’t sure what it involves?  Please join us for a virtual Volunteer Training/Homeroom Parent Meeting/Q&A via Zoom, on August 24th.  There are 2 sessions available, join us for the one that is more convenient for you:

9:30am Meeting.  CLICK HERE for the Zoom link.  (Meeting ID: 832 2160 3403  Passcode: dillos)

2:00pm Meeting.  CLICK HERE for the Zoom link.  (Meeting ID: 836 9963 4940  Passcode: dillos)

All volunteers must (1) register as a volunteer and (2) sign a confidentiality agreement EVERY YEAR.  CLICK HERE to complete these two steps for 2022-2023!  Reach out to Kristen Trout with any questions at volunteercoordinator@hillelementary.com.
