To show our Hill staff how thankful we are for them, we serve them a catered Thanksgiving lunch!   In order to give the catered meal a personal touch, we are looking for volunteers to provide desserts for this event.  They can be cookies, a pie, a cake, fruit salad, etc. If you are interested in volunteering to bring a dessert for the Hill staff: 1) Click this link to see our…

Looking through photos for the end of year and holiday cards?  Well, pull a few for your 5th grader’s yearbook ad!  When you are ready: * Visit and find our school * Make sure you select Hill Elementary in AUSTIN! * Click the “Yearbook Ads” icon and select the size you want. $35 1/4 pg and $55 1/2 pg. * Create an account. (name, email, password) * Enter students first…

Did you know you can support Hill while doing your holiday shopping? Dillo Cards Holiday Edition offers a great selection of gift cards that you can use to do your shopping or give as gifts!  Whether you stock up on Amazon and Target to buy gifts for the family, Whole Foods and HEB for all your holiday entertaining needs or stocking stuffers like iTunes and Starbucks cards we have a card…

Make Box Tops Clipping a Part of Your Holiday Tradition and Help Your Class Win! We are in our final weeks for our Fall Box Tops competition, so make sure to turn in your Box Tops. Top 10 classes that collect the most by December 1st will have the choice to Wear PJs to School or have a Class Read-In/Show! There are plenty of holiday products with Box Tops on them,…

When it’s time to go, it’s time to go.  It’s time to get rid of a few lost and found items.  If they are yours, you better come by this week.  They will disappear on Wednesday… Shoes, Boot, Hats, Umbrella This pair of tennis shoes and a single boot have been around WAY too long: So have most of these hats and this umbrella that hooks to a chair: Mystery Waters…

The day has come!  Thank you to all of you who participated in early voting over the last couple of weeks.  Numbers were low so if you didn’t already vote, please make sure to vote tomorrow – Tuesday, November 7th.  Hill Elementary along with Murchison Middle School and Anderson High School will be polling sites on Tuesday.  Drop off your child at school and walk over and vote.  It’s that easy!…

Dear Hill Families, Thank you for a smooth first nine weeks of school, filled with many academic and social/emotional learning opportunities.  Our students are now beginning their second nine weeks of school, as we continue to support them in their academic studies.  Our focus for SEL this month is compassion, showing care and concern for others.  We will model strategies for showing compassion with students in the classroom and at Morning…

The day has come!  Thank you to all of you who participated in early voting over the last couple of weeks.  Numbers were low so if you didn’t already vote, please make sure to vote on Tuesday, November 7th.  Hill Elementary along with Murchison Middle School and Anderson High School will be polling sites on Tuesday.  Drop off your child from school and walk over and vote.  It’s that easy!  ***…

Parents, Recently, our office has been inundated with outside delivery businesses, such as UBER eats, delivering lunch to some Hill students.  We ask that Hill parents please refrain from using these services, as it is not safe nor appropriate at the elementary level.  We have more than 950 students at Hill school, and cannot have outside vendors coming into our school to deliver students lunch.  We appreciate your understanding. BN

Please join us in the Hill Cafeteria for a special assembly honoring and recognizing our Hill Community Veterans and Service Members. Friday, Nov. 10th 7:35am *A reception will follow in the Hill Library for all Hill Veterans and Service Members.
