LAST CHANCE to VOTE and make a difference for our kids!

The day has come!  Thank you to all of you who participated in early voting over the last couple of weeks.  Numbers were low so if you didn’t already vote, please make sure to vote tomorrow – Tuesday, November 7th.  Hill Elementary along with Murchison Middle School and Anderson High School will be polling sites on Tuesday.  Drop off your child at school and walk over and vote.  It’s that easy!

 *** Due to a change put into place this last legislative session, the AISD bond is actually titled “Proposition A” and is the last item on the ballot. ***

Each ballot will have items in this order: 1) Texas constitutional amendments (there are seven); 2) Travis County bonds (there are two); and 3) the AISD bond. Please read all the way to the end of your ballot to find the school bond.

Let’s make sure to get out there and have our voices heard! Every vote matters! Every vote counts!

Just as a reminder, the Hill PTA voted unanimously to support this bond. To see how Hill will be impacted should the bond pass, please click here!

Election Day is Nov. 7th. Polling locations are listed below:
Hill Elementary
Murchison Middle School
Anderson High School
Fire Station #33 on Bluegrass Drive
Renaissance Retirement Center on Taylor Draper Lane
Lakewood HOA
North Village Public Library
St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church
Burnet Middle School
Doss Elementary School
Old Quarry Public Library