Committee Chairs are needed to lead some of Hill’s programs next year! So grab a friend (it’s always more fun with a friend!) and let us know what you’d like to help out with:
1. College Days: Bring in working-world professionals to speak to the kids at assembly once a month. For more information and questions, email
2. Cultural Committee: Organize the annual Heritage Cultural Fashion show in the Spring to celebrate the diverse cultures and nations at our school. For more information and questions, email
3. Directory: Coordinate with the office staff and download the needed information for the Directory Spot app. This position has changed over the years and is now super easy! Most of the work would be done the first few months of the school year. For more information and questions, email
4. Hill Hoopla: Coordinate and plan Hill’s annual parents and teacher/staff evening mixer and fundraiser. For more information and questions, email
5. Blood Drive: Organize and coordinate two blood drives for the Hill community. For more information and questions, email
6. Lost and Found: Organize lost items from the playground. Advertise lost items in the Dillo Details weekly. For more information and questions, email
7. Reflections: Advertise, coordinate and collect Reflections submissions from Hill students. For more information and questions, email
8. Sock Hop: Coordinate and Plan Hill’s annual Sock Hop in September. Planning for this event needs to start soon and most commitments would wrap up by the end of September. For more information and questions, email
9. Veteran’s Day: Coordinate Hill’s annual Veteran’s Day assembly in November. For more information and questions, email
10. Web team: Do you know how to work with WordPress? We would love to have more help with our Hill PTA website. Our current web team has worked hard to get our new and improved website all set this year. Updates are needed at the beginning of the year and then information needs to be added monthly to advertise for our school’s events. Our Web team members will have 5th graders next year so it is VERY important to find some new web team members that can take over this super important committee. For more information and questions, email
11. Safety Committee: This new committee would focus on checking in with the school and asking administrators how they can help with keeping our Dillos safe each day. Help is mostly needed at the beginning of the year getting the kids used to all the routines and familiar with the school. For more information and questions, email
12. Open House Committee: This new committee will work on organizing Open House and gathering volunteers to help on the day of Open House. For more information and questions, email
If you are interested in helping with another committee, there’s lots of information to choose from: Thanks in advance!