University Interscholastic League (UIL) Meet

Dear Parents,

This Spring, Hill Elementary students in grades 2-5 will have the opportunity to participate in a University Interscholastic League (UIL) Meet with other students from across the Austin Independent School District.  The purpose is to provide elementary students the opportunity to academically compete with their AISD peers in a fun, supportive environment!

Students have the opportunity to choose which events they would like to participate in from the attached list.  Students will be given study packets for practice.  Each event can have up to 5 student competitors in each grade level participating.  If Hill has more than 5 student competitors interested, then we will have grade level meets to secure the 5 finalists.  Because of the large number of schools participating, we are now limiting the number of events per student to 3 events maximum.

Then, on April 21, 2018, students will participate in the North AISD UIL Academic Meet. The school site for the meet is still undetermined.  On this day, students will compete in their selected events, have a pizza lunch, and participate in a free 45- minute Mad Science presentation.  This will be a fun day for all!  I will be looking for parent volunteers to help, please let me know if you’re interested in volunteering on this day in April.

Please review the listed events with your child and fill out the attached student interest form.  Once students have shown their interest in competing in an event, I will meet with them to handout study materials.  I will meet with the students once in March and April to review their progress, practice the event and answer any questions they might have.  It is very important that if a child chooses to participate that the parent practice the event’s activities with the child at home in preparation for the meet.

I will be happy to answer any questions that you might have about this event at that time.  Also, I am looking for parent volunteers to meet with groups of students participating in this event to help them prepare.  Please let me know if you are interested in being a group coach.  It is very fun and rewarding!  Finally, I will need at least 5 parents to commit to be judges at the Meet in April.

Thank you for your support and I look forward to Hill being well represented at the UIL Meet in May!  Please return the attached form to Beth Newton by Wednesday, February 28, 2018.

Click here for event descriptions.


Beth Newton