New to Hill in 2024-2025?
If you have a PreK, Kindergartener or new student starting in the Fall 2024, please sign up for a school tour. We will also be scheduling playdates for future Dillos in the Spring when the weather is warmer.
New Hill and Incoming Kindergarten Parent Tours
Please arrive 15 minutes early to sign-in for these events. You will need your Driver’s License if this is your first time to sign-in at Hill. Enter through the main entrance on Tallwood and use the buzzer. Once inside, the office is to the left. Tours are led by the 5th grade students and geared towards parents. We request only parents attend, if possible. Tours will last approximately one hour. SIGN UP HERE.
Tour Dates:
- Monday, January 22 at 10:15 am
- Tuesday, February 20 at 10:15 am
- Wednesday, March 20 at 10:15 am
- Thursday, April 18 at 10:15 am
- Friday, May 17 at 10:15 am
Please feel free to reach out to the New Parent Coordinators with any questions or concerns.