Letter from Principal Newton

Dear Hill Families,

We hope that you had a wonderful Spring Break!  I was able to travel with the Trojan Belles to Hawaii, where they performed at Pearl Harbor.  This was such an memorable event for our family!

We are back in the swing of learning at Hill School.  Thank you for always having a vigilant eye while on campus.  We are continuing to refine and adjust our safety procedures.  After recent safety walks on campus with district personnel we have a few safety adjustments we would like to make to arrival and dismissal.

Single point entry is recommended on all AISD campuses.  Beginning Monday, March 26, we will lock the back campus door by the gym at all times.  For arrival and dismissal, parents and students will need to enter at the front doors or the back cafeteria door.  Thank you for your cooperation. We continue to work with district personnel to advocate for more cameras, fencing and lighting on campus.  We have recently installed a doorbell for the 5th grade Commons Building.  We are working to have a camera and buzzer system installed there, as well.

We want to invite everyone to attend out Campus Advisory Council Meeting on April 2 at 3:15 pm in the Hill Library, where our guest will be Council Member Alison Alter.  Ms. Alter is coming to meet with our campus community to discuss any concerns we have regarding traffic safety at Hill School.  Also present at this meeting will be an APD representative, ATD and Public Words representatives, and the Quarter Cent Funds Manager.  We hope to see you at this important meeting!

I wanted to inform parents that fourth grade teacher, Katy Frazier, recently resigned from AISD.  We appreciate Ms. Frazier’s service to the students and staff of Hill Elementary School.  We have hired Halah Helt as the new classroom teacher.  Ms. Helt graduated from Texas State University, and student taught in the 4th and 5th grades.  We are so please to have Ms. Helt teaching at Hill!

We recently received our projections for 2018-2019 and are beginning to work on staffing for the new school year.  Next year we will have: 3 classes PK, 7 classes Kindergarten, 7 classes 1st grade, 8 classes 2nd grade, 8 classes 3rd grade, 7 classes 4th grade and 6 classes 5th grade.  We will also have two sections of Essential Areas in Art, Music and PE.

Have a wonderful Spring!