Great job to all our Hill Dillos on our Boxtops For Education Spring Competition!

Almost 9,000 boxtops were collected for the Spring Contest!
The total for this year is just over 16,000 boxtops!
The top 3 classes across the whole year are Brown (929), Manzano (791) and McBraerty (736)…all 3 are in the top 10 this time.

Here are our classroom winners!  Please get with your teacher to decide how you would like to celebrate: with more recess, a pajama day, teddy bear day, etc.

Top 10 Classes in the 2018 Box Tops Spring Competition Results
Grade        Teacher’s name.        Class total
3                Brown                        603
1                Schwartz                   493
4.               Manzano                   475
4                LaChance                 427
3                Guevara.                  398
1                Rushing.                   365
1                Dare                         309
3               Armstrong                 280
4               Wirht                         270
2             Mc. Bee.                     260