Almost 9,000 boxtops were collected for the Spring Contest!
The total for this year is just over 16,000 boxtops!
The top 3 classes across the whole year are Brown (929), Manzano (791) and McBraerty (736)…all 3 are in the top 10 this time.
Here are our classroom winners! Please get with your teacher to decide how you would like to celebrate: with more recess, a pajama day, teddy bear day, etc.
Top 10 Classes in the 2018 Box Tops Spring Competition Results
Grade Teacher’s name. Class total
3 Brown 603
1 Schwartz 493
4. Manzano 475
4 LaChance 427
3 Guevara. 398
1 Rushing. 365
1 Dare 309
3 Armstrong 280
4 Wirht 270
2 Mc. Bee. 260