From Mr. Drummond

Dear Hill Community,

Book Character Dress-Up Day is this Friday (1/26)! We invite all of our students to come to school dressed as their favorite character for this fun day that kicks off our Hill Book Fair. Please note that students should not wear masks to school as part of their costumes. The Hill Book Fair begins Monday, January 29th! Check out the Dillo Details for all you need to know.

This week, we recognize Holocaust Remembrance Week in Austin ISD. During this week, our 5th grade students will be participating in a book study of Hold on to Your Music as part of their learning in language arts classesWe will also recognize the significance of the week at one of our morning assemblies with a message of the importance of acceptance, tolerance, and community. Hill continues to be a No Place for Hate school, and we value our diverse school community.

AISD Student Device Feedback Survey: AISD Technology remains committed to providing students the devices they need to fully participate in blended learning environments. Device distribution, however, can be costly. Our warranties do not cover loss or intentional damage, an increasing issue the district is experiencing. It’s essential that we minimize costs associated with device loss and damage. This ensures the sustainability of the bond-funded program. We have reviewed our internal student device loss and damage incident data and now need feedback from staff and families to inform our next steps. The Everyone:1 Student Device Feedback Survey begins January 11, 2024, and is open to faculty, staff, and AISD families. At this time, the survey is not intended to be shared with students.

Nominate a Hill Staff Member for the AISD Salute: Salute is AISD’s annual celebration to recognize some of the district’s outstanding team members for their continued dedication to student excellence and achievement in our schools. District employees, students, families, and the community are invited to submit a nomination for staff members they believe represent the very best of AISD in the following categories:

  • Campus Clerical/Office Staff of the Year
  • Teaching Assistant of the Year
  • Custodian of the Year
  • Bus Driver of the Year
  • Food Service Staff of the Year
  • Campus Safety & Security Staff of the Year
  • Librarian of the Year
  • Counselor of the Year
  • Assistant Principal of the Year
  • Principal of the Year

Austin ISD Equity Assessment Focus Group Opportunity: AISD is working with a research company called WestEd to lead a districtwide equity assessment to see what we are doing well and what we need to change as a district. We want to hear from students and parents to learn more about your experiences in AISD and how our policies and practices impact you. If you are interested in sharing your thoughts, please register for a focus group. Complete this interest form and if you are selected, you will get a $50 gift card for participating!  You can click here for more information and a QR Code as well.

Traffic Reminder: Thank you all who park and walk up to school on Tallwood for not moving and adjusting neighbors trash cans on trash days (Thursdays). We know it makes parking a bit more restricted but when items are moved, neighbors are not getting their trash picked up which is not okay. Thank you for your support and understanding to help these folks who are very understanding of us during those two busy times each day! Leave trash cans where you find them.

The Hill Elementary Alumni Scholarship was established in 2011 to honor Hill’s 40th anniversary. It is now called The Suzanne and Vincent Torres Hill Elementary Alumni Scholarship in honor of Mr. Torres and his wife, and their dedication to our school and the district. The goal is to recognize former students who have excelled in their academic endeavors, supported their community through service projects, and proven they possess a drive to further their education. By granting this scholarship, we encourage students to continue their academic endeavors beyond high school and hope to strengthen the relationship between Hill and its alumni. This year, one scholarship in the amount of $1000 will be awarded. The deadline for submissions is Friday, April 12th. You can click here for the application that includes the selection criteria.

Lastly, congratulations to this year’s Hill Yearbook Cover Art Contest winner Gemma Glover. You can check out her art here that will be on the front of this year’s yearbook. Have a great week!

Principal Drummond