From Mr. Drummond

Dear Hill Community,

Happy New Year! It was wonderful welcoming back our community to school this past week. Our students were engaged and ready to begin a strong spring semester. As a reminder, there is no school tomorrow (Monday, January 15th) as we observe the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day holiday. At school we will continue to honor his legacy and message throughout this week and beyond.

Enroll your student for the 24-25 school year now: Enroll Austin is open to register your student(s) for the fall of 2024. Please visit
 to get started now. We encourage our families to register early so we have an accurate picture for fall staffing. You can click here for an infographic and QR Code with more information. This link has the information in Spanish. Lastly, here is an introductory video as Enroll Austin is open for business! Even if your student(s) currently attends Hill, you do need to register them for the fall.

Do you know someone who may be interested in part-time work in our Hill cafeteria? Please have them email Principal Drummond. This would be a flexible position with great hours for a college student or anyone wanting to support kids! Spread the word we are looking to add a great member to our team.

Reminder: Join us for our Hill Caregiver Book Study beginning in January! You can click here for the information you need. The book is titled “Good Inside: A Guide to Becoming the Parent You Want to Be” by Dr. Becky Kennedy. We hope you will consider taking part.

Check out our January Counselor Newsletter here.

Begin training with your student now! The Cap 10K is in April, and Hill has a team you can sign your student up for. Let’s get our students outside for this great event. You can click here to sign up for the Hill Elementary Team. Parents/guardians should plan to participate with their children or have a plan for safety. More to come!

We have a new after school PE club on campus with Coach Shaw and Coach Liz. Students will play fun PE games. The club meets on Mondays until 4 pm and is available to 1st-5th grade students. Please see the flyer link and registration link below.  Spots are limited. Please reach out to Coach Shaw for questions. PEX After School Information Flyer  Registration Link

Enjoy your three-day weekend! As freezing temperatures move in, we and the district will keep our community updated if there is any disruption to school for Tuesday. For now, stay warm and see you on January 16th!

Principal Drummond