From Mr. Drummond

Dear Hill Community,

We appreciate everyone who was able to attend our Back to School Night event on Thursday. We are lucky to have such an incredible staff of educators here at Hill!

You can click here for ordering information on Fall Pictures that will take place at Hill on Wednesday, September 20th throughout the day. You can use this link to subscribe for more information as well.

Gifted and Talented Information: Our community can click here to access a folder with beginning of the year gifted and talented information for those interested. Included is an introductory letter from our GT Advocates for our families with already identified students. Also, flyers for upcoming district virtual information sessions, information on the GT Nomination window this fall, and a preview to the 2nd grade universal screener all students in that grade level will complete this year are included. More to come!

AISD is celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month throughout September: Join the Fiesta again this year! The 2023 Hispanic Heritage Talent Show started this week. Please encourage your students to submit your entries by October 5. Please see the link to the flyer. Here is the link to participate.¡Únanse a la fiesta otra vez este año! La Muestra de Talento por la Herencia Hispana 2023 empezó hoy. Por favor animen a sus estudiantes a que envíen sus fotos y videos antes del 5 de octubre. Adjunto la liga con el gráficoEste es el enlace para participar.

Tomorrow is Monday and every Monday, we wear college shirts/colors for all who would like to participate! Have a great Sunday, Hill Community.

Principal Drummond