From Mr. Drummond

Dear Hill Community,

We begin another exciting school year journey on Monday! Thank you to everyone who came by, said hello, and set a positive tone on Friday at our Meet the Teacher event. We hope this letter prepares you for a strong start on Monday.

Here are some basics for the first day of school tomorrow. Our doors will open Monday at 7:15 am and students will be walked straight to their classes. Staff will be stationed around the campus to support you. For our Kindergarten families, we invite you to our Tears and Cheers Parent Coffee in the library once your student is safely in their classroom. Beginning Tuesday, our morning assemblies will begin at 7:35 am in the cafeteria/small gym area. We will assist all students into assembly as parents/guardians will not walk students into the building beginning Tuesday. Our doors will start to open at 7:00 am for the rest of the school year. Again, we encourage all families to have their students attend assembly by 7:35. The official attendance bell will ring at 7:40. Please see the Arrival/Dismissal letter from Thursday for more information.

For student technology, please know that we are working with Austin ISD on the distribution plan for the first couple of weeks of school. Here is what each student will have for their device this school year:

  • PreK – 1st grade: classroom sets of iPads with power strips; devices will NOT be taken home
  • 2nd grade: classroom sets of Chromebooks with charging stations; devices will NOT be taken home
  • 3rd grade – 5th grade students will have individually checked out Chromebooks that may be taken home

It is still very hot outside! Please know that we will monitor the heat closely and follow appropriate guidelines for exposure. But hydration begins in the morning at home! Please ensure your student drinks plenty of water in the mornings. Please also ensure beginning day one, they bring a labeled water bottle that is refillable each day. Hopefully we get a break from this soon!

For arrival and dismissal information, please refer back to our communication on Thursday with everything you need for tomorrow. Be safe and mindful of creating a safe route to school for our kids. We’ll see you tomorrow morning, Hill families!

Principal Drummond