Follow Up Links on our School Changes Conversation

Thank you to Kristin Ashy, AISD District 4 Board of Trustee, for joining us Wednesday morning for a discussion on the School Changes process.  If you are interested in learning more and becoming more involved within AISD, below are a few opportunities:

Attend one or more of the COMMUNITY VISIONING SESSIONS

Regional Planning Meetings:

*Please join Austin ISD for a series of community visioning sessions, designed to hear community feedback on the School Changes Process. Meetings will be region-specific but not geographically exclusive and all are welcome.

North Region: Wednesday, June 5 | 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. | Burnet Middle School, 8401 Hathaway Drive

North Central Region: Tuesday, June 11 | 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. | Bertha Sadler Means YWLA, 6401 N. Hampton Drive

Districtwide Meetings:

The following meetings are open to the community in all regions and are an opportunity for those who cannot attend their own regional meeting.

All Regions: 

Thursday, June 6 | 11:30am – 1:00pm | O. Henry Middle School, 2610 W. 10th Street

Saturday, June 8 | 10am – noon | Eastside Memorial Early College High School, 1012 Arthur Stiles Road

Apply to be a part of a THINK TANK

Application DUE: Friday, May 31

Comment through the THOUGHT EXCHANGE

*Scroll to Feedback.  Thought Exchange is an online tool that allows participants to share their ideas in 300 words or fewer and to rate the ideas shared by others in the exchange.

Attend one or more of the upcoming AISD BOARD MEETINGS

Monday, June 10 | 6:00 – 9:00pm | Board Auditorium, 1111 W. 6th Street, Austin, TX 78703

Monday, June 17 | 7:00 – 9:00pm | Board Auditorium, 1111 W. 6th Street, Austin, TX 78703

Attend one more of the upcoming BOUNDARY ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETINGS

Kristin Ashy is available to meet or answer questions: