The 5th Grade Slideshow is a Hill tradition to honor the memories, friendships, and personal growth of the graduating class. The details, guidelines, and directions are in previous editions of Dillo Details and on the grade-level Facebook page, but the Dropbox link has been updated! CLICK HERE for the new link, and upload your pictures and videos! Reach out to Robyn at with any questions.

We apologize for the formatting of Sunday night’s Dillo Details! We know it is hard to read! It’s not an easy feat to reformat and resend, so just head over to Scroll down to the “Latest News” subheading, click on the first graphic to read its contents, then you’ll be able to scroll through all of tonight’s posts!

Hill Heritage Week is here! We invite all of our Hill families to share their cultural heritages with the community. There are two exciting events this week! HILL HERITAGE PARADE: Our parade will be held Thursday, March 30th, after morning assembly. Students are invited to dress up in cultural attire AND/OR wave flags during the parade. Participation is optional but encouraged so we can share all of our heritages. For more…

One of our most beloved events is right around the corner! We invite all of our Hill families to share their cultural heritages with the community, and we have two exciting events planned for next week, March 27-30th.   The Heritage Parade will be held on Thursday, March 30th, after morning assembly. Kids can dress up in cultural attire and/or wave flags during the parade. Participation is optional but encouraged. For…

We are so excited! Our Hill Learning Garden is getting a brand new, high fence to keep out those pesky deer! Construction starts next week, but there’s a lot of prep work to complete beforehand. We need volunteers to help clean up the interior garden perimeter THIS FRIDAY from 3:30-5:30pm. Hope to see you there!

This Friday, March 24th, is a No Place For Hate Dress Up day.  Join the Hill SEL-ebration Leadership Team for DRESS CRAZY COOL!  It’s crazy cool to celebrate our differences, so wear your tie dye and crazy socks!  We are so proud of our KIND DILLOS!

Dear Hill Community,  This is an information-filled letter this week with many event reminders. Please read carefully, including the reminder at the end that there is no school this Friday! It is Hill Heritage and International Reading Week! We appreciate all of our families who have volunteered to support reading in the classrooms in multiple languages, as well as our Hill Heritage Parade on Thursday. The Heritage Parade will be held…

Carnival is just around the corner! We’re excited to bring you games, music by Rising Ivy, food trucks, and Hill’s famous Haunted House on the new date of March 31. Please CLICK HERE to check the signup and confirm your volunteer shifts OR sign up if you haven’t already. If you didn’t pick up your wristbands, we’ll be at the front of school the week of Carnival. Wristbands are still available,…

Couldn’t make it to Hoopla this year? You’re in LUCK! There are still some Buy-In Party spots available! Click HERE to check them out! You don’t need a Hoopla ticket, just click on the link to see what all is open. There’s something for everyone! We’re $10,000 away from our goal so if these don’t pique your interest, please consider just a straight donation! Our school THRIVES thanks to generous donations…
