Carnival Donations Needed!

Donations of PRINGLES CANS, SODA BOTTLES, GATORADE and SODA CANS are needed for the day of the event.  You may purchase online HERE or bring to school and drop off at the yellow brick wall.

Pringles (Full size, 5oz-6oz, unopened cans) are needed for the Pringle Toss Booth.  Any flavor is welcome. We need approximately 500 cans, so any donations are appreciated!

Soda Bottles (16oz – 20oz, unopened bottles, NO LITERS please)  We are in need of soda bottle donations for the Soda Toss Booth at the Carnival. Any flavor is welcome. We need approximately 350 bottles, so any donations are appreciated!

Beverage Booth Items:  Gatorade (12oz, unopened bottles) and Soda Cans (12oz).  (Water has been donated, thank you!)