Our Spring Boxtop contest has come to a close. A special shout out to the lovely ladies who helped count and sort all 11,000 boxtops throughout the year; Thanks to Stephanie Faigley, Michelle Kelly, Amy Whiteaker, Sarah Newton, Aubree Friesenhahn and Misti Neese. Congrats to all of you who helped earn $1,100 in free money for Hill. When we work together, we all win! And now for our Top 10 classes: 10) Wilder-140, 9) Mischnick-145, 8) Nguyen-157, 7) Briles-165, 6) Huang-188, 5) Clark-207, 4) Winslow-220, 3) Manzano-229, 2) Southwell-258 and 1) Mayer-394!!!! These classes will earn extra recess, a pajama day or another fun reward that they choose with their teacher. See y’all again for the Fall contest!
Boxtops Finalists
-   Melanie Waters
-   Dillo Details
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