CONGRATULATIONS to our Fall Contest Class Winners! We collected over 7,000 box tops!
Our goal is 25,000 for the school year, so keep bringing them in & feed Mr. Robot!
Our Winter Contest starts NOW and will end on February 23rd. Good luck to everyone!
Remember to include Your Name, Your Teacher’s Name and Grade, so your contribution can be credited to your class for the Winter Contest!
Congrats to the TOP TEN Classes for the Fall!!
Place Grade Class # of Boxtops
1 2 McBraerty 476
2 3 Hoffner 475
3 2 Young 411
4 3 Peterson 342
5 4 Massingill 334
6 3 Brown 326
7 4 Manzano 316
8 1 Frank 313
9 3 Armstrong 286
10 1 Clark 256
Boxtop Contest Winners!
-   Melanie Waters
-   Dillo Details
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