Arrival & Dismissal Information!

Arrival & Dismissal reminders…..

It is our desire to make arrival and dismissal at Hill School a smooth and safe process for everyone.  Please remember these safety expectations for students and adults:

  • Vehicles should not enter the back driveway or even make u-turns in the back driveway of Hill School.
  • Student drop off is in the front of the school only.  Students should not be dropped off in the back of the school or on Robbie Lane.
  • Dogs are not allowed on campus.  We have students with allergies and some who are afraid of dogs, so we ask that parents do not bring dogs on campus at arrival or dismissal.
  • Please use crosswalks when crossing the street at/around Hill School.
  • Respect posted traffic and parking signs
  • Please stay in your car when in the carline.  Safety patrol and/or staff will come to your car to help find your student.

Slow down, follow the above guidelines and help our little Dillos stay safe!!