AISD Facility Master Plan

Austin ISD is embarking on its update of the Facility Master Plan, the district’s long-range roadmap to modernizing all facilities. This year, AISD will be updating our facility master plan to support and strengthen district wide priorities in the areas of:

  • Athletics and fitness
  • Career and technical education, including a range of pathways for students to explore industry opportunities and perspectives at the district’s regional meetings
  • Fine arts, including the visual and performing arts, as well as creative learning.

Learn about the vision and work to date and invite your school communities to share their ideas and perspectives at the districts regional meetings.

Wednesday, March 6,2019

6-7:30 p.m.

LBJ ECHS Cafeteria

Thursday, March 7,2019

6-7:30 p.m.

Crockett ECHS Cafeteria

Saturday, March 9,2019

1-2:30 p.m.

Austin HS Cafeteria
