AISD Facility Master Plan Survey

Everyone should have received an email last week with a link to the AISD Facility Master Plan Survey.  The district wants your insights and perspectives on how the district can best support and strengthen districtwide priorities in the areas of:

  • athletics and fitness
  • fine arts and creative learning
  • Career and Technical Education, career preparation

If you have already attempted to take this survey, you might have felt that it didn’t apply to your student(s) at this time.  Actually, it makes the most sense for parents of elementary school students to fill this out because their child(ren) could see these things come to fruition during their years in AISD.  This is planning for the future of AISD, so please fill it out to the best of your ability for what you envision your child being interested in when he/she gets to middle and high school.  Also, if you have friends with younger children that will be coming to AISD in the coming years, have them fill it out.  The more input received the better.  You have until February 28th to make your voice heard.
