A Letter from Principal Newton

Dear Hill Community,

Thank you for a wonderful first few weeks of school!  We are very pleased to be back in school with your children.  This year, our theme with staff is recognizing our special gifts and talents, in line with the philosophies of Mr. Rogers.  Around the school, you will see quotes and phrases of kind and encouraging words.  We are so happy to have your family back in the Hill neighborhood!

Recently, we have completed campus safety trainings with our staff and parents.  We have begun practicing our regular safety drills with students and staff.  This year, the drills are called Lockdown, Lockout, Hold, Evacuate, and Shelter. Earlier this week we had our first evacuation (fire) drill.  We practice these drills either monthly, or by semester.

During playground time, we continue to implement our zone monitoring system with students and staff. Teachers will monitor students within a zone, and they will actively teach their students where the zone is that they should be playing.  We are reminding our students to report to their teacher if a child ever shares that they would hide from the teacher or leave the playground for any reason.

Also, if your child tells you that they are planning on leaving the playground, or doing anything to compromise their safety, please notify your child’s teacher and the counselor or administration as necessary.  We want to provide a safe place of learning for all students, and want to be a partner with you in your child’s education.

Back To School Night is just around the corner.  This is a “parents only” evening where you will learn about the curriculum your child will participate in this school year.  We invite you to join us for the PTA meeting and volunteer training from 5:30 – 6:00 p.m.  Then, from 6:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. 1stand 2ndgrade teachers will present, and from 7:00 – 8:00 p.m. 3rd, 4thand 5thgrade teachers will present.

Have a wonderful Labor Day Weekend!