Hill Elementary is accepting nominations for gifted and talented program beginning September 10 until September 22 for grades 3-5. GT screening and testing requires parent/guardian permission by the campus deadline. A variety of measures are used for screening and testing including assessments for bilingual students. For more information about the Austin ISD gifted program, please visit the Austin ISD web site tinyurl.com/AustinISDGATE or call the GT campus coordinators. Please submit BOTH the nomination form and the parent checklist to the GT coordinators, Sheila Wessels or Stephanie Winfrey, no late than September 22. Forms can be found at the following link. https://www.austinisd.org/advancedacademics/gifted Late forms will not be accepted. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to reach our to Ms. Wessels or Ms. Winfrey.
*The Austin Independent School District GT Testing Calendar allows for nominations to be collected for grades K-2 beginning on January 23. Our school will notify parents when the Spring nomination window is open.