Presale Tickets for Carnival Ends TODAY at 3:00 pm and Last chance for Cascarones

Your chance to buy presale tickets and cascarones ends at 3 pm today. Wristbands only will be available for purchase tomorrow at carnival.

How do I get Tickets?

Wristbands for entry and cascarones (aka confetti eggs) are ready for purchase HERE!   All tickets purchased today (10/27) will be available to pick up at Will Call.

How Can I Help or Already Have Tickets?

*VOLUNTEER* It takes the whole school to make this event special.   CLICK HERE to sign up to volunteer.

*DONATE* towards the purchase of Pringles, soda, and candy for our games. All you have to do is CLICK HERE to donate.

*SUPPORT HILL ELEMENTARY* Make a general Dillo Donation. CLICK HERE to support hitting our Fundraising goal for Carnival.
