It’s Nurse AND Cafeteria Staff Appreciation, Too

May 2nd-6th is also Nurse Appreciation AND Cafeteria Appreciation Week.  We’ve waited all year long to celebrate these staff members!  Please help us recognize our number one nurse, Nicole Christensen RN.  Nurse Christensen has worked tirelessly throughout this year to keep our Dillos, big and small, healthy and safe.  Please also help us appreciate our beloved cafeteria staff, who are our unsung heroes of the year.  Shelly Vlcek, Robert Sauls, Margarita Ramirez, Michelle Morris, and Gabriela Suarez not only prepare healthy and delicious meals for our Dillos, they also share their warm smiles every day with our whole campus!  Let’s show all of these staff members how grateful we are for them.  Please send in words of thanks, yummy treats, and anything else that will make them feel appreciated!  SIGN UP HERE to ensure they’re all recognized, and reach out to April Beaty, Staff Appreciation Chair, at with any questions.
