Hill Holiday Gift Card Drive – Donations DUE FRIDAY

It’s not too late to donate!  The Hill Caring & Sharing Committee is finishing up our GIFT CARD DRIVE to support Hill families in need this holiday season.  If you would like to donate, you may SIGN UP HERE to donate a gift card(s) from HEB, OLD NAVY and/or TARGET.  You are welcome to sign up for as many slots as your budget allows.

For those that have signed up, please deliver your gift cards THIS WEEK to the Counselor’s office.  

Deadline to donate: Friday, December 8th.

Thank you for helping to make Hill families’ holidays a little bit brighter this holiday season!  We appreciate your generosity and support!  Please contact Caroline Marquis (linamarquis@gmail.com) with any questions or if you need help with your gift card delivery.