Expectations for Training

Trainees shall receive:

  • Printout of presentation
  • Confidentiality agreement
  • District dress code
  • Campus evacuation and disaster drill procedures
  • Campus illness and injury procedures
  • Campus behavior expectations and protocols


District Philosophy and Practice

AISD values parents as partners in the education of all students. The district appreciates the time you give students as volunteers and knows that you want to keep all students safe. The district is committed to training all staff well in student supervision. All volunteers and staff will undergo an approved criminal history background check. All volunteers and non.teaching staff will be trained by an AISD administrator at each campus on which they work.  This training is intended for volunteers and non-teaching staff who are supervising students and who are, themselves, unsupervised by district teachers. The adult volunteer to student ratio in a classroom or playground shall be 1 adult volunteer to no more than 30 students.


District Policy

All volunteers and staff will complete:

  •  Required confidentiality forms
  •  Criminal history background check
  •  All volunteers may serve on the campus at the discretion of the principal.


Telephones and Technology

Please do not allow students to make calls from classroom and telephones. A student may be sent to the office with an office pass and a buddy if a phone call is necessary. Volunteers or staff shall not be on the computer or the telephone for personal reasons while working. Volunteers or staff shall not use cameras or camera phones to take pictures of students.


Classroom/Playground Management

Volunteers and staff are responsible for reviewing and understanding the campus, classroom, and playground expectations. These are campus specific. If you have questions, please consult with a campus administrator. Use positive reinforcement as much as possible to promote appropriate behavior. Children should never be left unattended. If you must leave, ask a neighboring teacher to oversee the class or notify the office for assistance.


Dress Code

Volunteers and staff must personally follow district and campus dress codes.  Campus will provide district dress code to all partners. If you suspect a child is not dressed appropriately, call the office for assistance.


In Case of Emergency

Campus will train volunteers and staff on procedures for evacuations and disasters.


Medicine and Health Care

Policy: Austin ISD policies specify that all medicines must be administered to student by the local nurse or approved staff. It is against district policy for students to self.administer medications or for volunteers or non.approved staff to administer medications to students.


Campus will provide written guidance on proper procedures for health concerns and injuries.


Healthy, Safety, and Security

AISD is a smoke-free and drug-free district. You may not smoke or use any tobacco product or consume or possess any illegal substances on school grounds or during school events. Blood borne pathogen safety (HIV, Hepatitis, etc.) Contact with bodily fluids should be avoided. Allow students to clean his/her own injury, wear gloves, or send student to the nurse.


Protection of Student Rights/Privacy

It is imperative that volunteers and staff make every effort to guard the privacy rights of students. Do not discuss students’ conduct, grades, abilities, etc with anyone outside the school district or with unauthorized personnel within the school community. Information about students should only be discussed with district personnel who work directly with that student.


Volunteer Responsibilities on the Campus

  • Be on time. Students and teachers are counting on you.
  • Check with the campus for directions on parking.
  • Always report to the office and sign in.
  • Make note of emergency exits.

Volunteers should support school staff and students. If you have a question regarding incidents, protocols, or procedures, do not hesitate to ask the teacher or an administrator. In order to respect and protect the privacy rights of students and staff, please do not discuss personnel matters and information regarding students with persons on or off the campus who do not have a valid need to know.


Volunteers should refrain from expressing personal reactions or sharing personal opinions about what they see or hear in classrooms and on playgrounds, etc. to avoid inadvertently affecting adversely a student or other.


Keys to Smooth Sailing

  •  Introduce yourself as Mrs./Ms./Mr.
  • Stick to teacher plans as closely as possible.
  • Call on one student if you have any questions. (They will ALL want to tell you how to do it right)
  • Move around the classroom/playground to be able to observe all students working/playing.
  • Redirect inappropriate behavior as needed.
    • Example: “Sue, please work quietly.”
  • Acknowledge students who are exhibiting appropriate behavior
    • Example: “I like the way Mike is keeping his hands to himself.”


Frequently Asked Questions

Can I give food or candy as a reward for good behavior?

No. Talk with the classroom teacher about specific ways to reward students for positive behavior.


What do I do if a child shares confidential information with me?

It is your responsibility to keep the information confidential, except in cases where the safety of a student is in issue. In that case, report immediately to the Principal or other lead person on the campus. Any general concerns you may have about information that a child shares with you should be reported to the classroom teacher. If you have cause to believe a child has been abused, that information should be reported directly to CPS. If I cant come due to illness or emergency, what should I do? Please call the school office and let staff know.


What do I do in the event of an emergency?

Call the office using the classroom phone. If unable to use the phone, send two children to the office.


What do I do when a student becomes ill?

Send them to the nurse’s office with a health note and a buddy.


What do I do when a parent arrives early to pick up a child?

Do not release a child unless the office calls you.


What do I do when a student is seriously misbehaving?

Call the office and request assistance. Inform the teacher in writing and in person. “It takes a village”…parents, students, teachers, school personnel and community leaders to raise children to become productive members of society.


Playground Use and Activities


  • Walk quietly from indoors to the playground area.
  • Use the playscape as it was designed. That means sliding down the slide feet first, hanging from the monkey bars by your hands and sitting on swings.
  • Play away from the building in a place where you can be seen by an adult.
  • Rocks and sand are for touching and building. They stay on the ground.
  • Football and tag are not allowed.
  • Organized games, such as kickball and soccer may only be played with direct teacher supervision.



  • 30 minutes of recess for each grade level.
  • Teachers need to be on time.
  • Be visible and monitor designated areas.
  • Be responsible for all students.
  • Ensure appropriate use of all equipment.
  • Enforce playground safety guidelines for students.


Fire Drills and Other Drills

Continuous Alarm

    1. Students line up at classroom door.
    2. Make sure bathrooms are checked, lights are off, and the door is closed after exiting.
    3. Take class roll and Red/Green EMERGENCY CARD
    4. After the class is at its designated spot, hold up the EMERGENCY CARD green side toward school if all students are accounted for, red side toward school if anyone is unaccounted for.
      1. An office staff person will come to you if you display red.
      2. Do not send children as runners.
    5. Complete silence is necessary in order to hear verbal instructions. Students MUST follow their teacher closely to avoid confusion of groups.
    6. If a drill happens during lunchtime, go quickly to the cafeteria and take your students to the designated area.


Disaster Drill: Listen for Public Announcement via School Intercom

    1. Students line up at classroom door.
    2. Open windows and put metal blinds down, if applicable.
    3. Close inside doors and turn off lights. In the event of a real disaster, electricity will probably go out. Help children stay calm.
    4. Check restrooms to make sure you have all students.
    5. Lead class to designated area of safety. Students MUST follow their teacher closely to avoid confusion of groups.
    6. Students sit on floor, backs against interior wall. They only go into the protective position when a storm strike on the building is imminent.
      1. Protective position: Pull knees up to chest. Bend neck forward so that the forehead touches knees. Clasp hands behind neck.
    7. Complete silence is necessary in order to hear verbal instructions.
    8. If a drill happens during lunchtime, go quickly to the cafeteria and take your students to the designated area.


Background Check Policies

Who needs a background check?

According to Austin ISD, all volunteers who participate on a school campus must submit to a criminal history background check. This includes general volunteers, tutors, and mentors. There are three exceptions:

    1. Parents and grandparents who are only volunteering in their grand/child’s classroom.
    2. Volunteers who are only participating in one.time events.
    3. Visitors that will be constantly supervised by an Austin ISO employee.


How do volunteers submit to a background check?

Austin Partners in Education offers criminal history background checks at no charge for volunteers
who participate on an Austin ISO campus or in approved programs. Approval guidelines have been
reviewed by the Austin ISO General Counsel. Volunteers should:

    1. Go to www.austinpartners.org.
    2. Select “Volunteer” from the top menu.
    3. Choose “Volunteer Center” from the drop-down menu.
    4. From the School menu, choose their preferred school and click “Search”.
    5. Click on the Name of the appropriate volunteer opportunity.
    6. Input their e-mail address. Volunteers must submit an e-mail address to receive notice of the background check results.
    7. If a volunteer’s e-mail address is already in the APIE system, they will be immediately signed up for the volunteer opportunity.
    8. If a volunteer’s e-mail address is not in the APIE system, they should click on the “Volunteer Registration” button and complete all required fields.

Note: If a volunteer has registered in the APIE system before but has a new e-mail address, they should
contact APIE directly at (512) 637-0900 to update their registration.


If a volunteer does not have an active e-mail address, they should input name.birthday@noemail.com and a valid phone number. Example: christin.122884@noemail.com.


How long do background checks take?

Volunteers with no criminal history should receive an approval notice by e-mail within 2 business days. The Volunteer & Tutor Contact will be copied on the e-mail. If a volunteer has a criminal history, APIE will contact the volunteer directly by e-mail to request further information. If a volunteer does not respond within 1 week, APIE will contact the volunteer by phone. If a volunteer does not respond within 2 weeks or does not provide accurate contact information, he/she will be denied and a notice will be sent to the school.

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