Hill’s Scholastic Book Fair is just around the corner and we need all the help we can get!  Come by during school hours on January 27th and January 28th to help decorate the library in our BOOKS BRING US TOGETHER theme and set up the fair.  Bring a friend and have even more fun!  Next week, January 31 through February 4th,  we need cashiers to help each day throughout the week…

Do you or your Dillos recognize any of these items?  Found items that are labeled with at least the student’s first name and last initial are delivered to classrooms when possible.  Please encourage your children to hang up their coats during recess instead of laying them on the ground.  Mulch sticks to coats, and makes a large mess at the Lost and Found.  Don’t forget to label your items!  Reach out…

River City Rangers Soccer Club is offering a final, free training session on January 26, from 5:45-7:00pm. Come on out, meet our professional coaches, and see what Rangers is all about. Visit our website for more information at www.RiverCityRangers.org and see Hill-specific details here!

Hello Dillo Filmmakers!  If you’re a 4th or 5th grader who likes making movies, join Film Kids!  This after-school club meets on Thursdays from 3:00 to 4:45pm and begins February 3rd.  We pitch, plan, film, and act in original movies that are shown in a film festival at the end of the semester.  Snacks and equipment are provided, and everyone gets access to digital downloads of their work.  Reach out to…

We need your help with book fair!  Book Fair is just around the corner (January 31 – February 4), and we need your help.  Volunteers will work in the library during the school day on January 27 and 28 to set up and decorate the library. We also need cashiers for the fair and family night.  Our theme this year is Books Bring Us Together.  Email Melanie Peterson at bookfair@hillelementary.com for more information.

AISD is committed to building transformational relationships that lead to a sense of trust and belonging for all. The district invites the community to share stories that make AISD feel like home! The Recognizing All Valuable Employees (RAVE) Program was created to honor those who take the extra steps to provide equitable and exceptional experiences. If you have a Hill staff member you would like to recognize, CLICK HERE!
