We need your help with book fair!  Book Fair is just around the corner (January 31 – February 4), and we need your help.  Volunteers will work in the library during the school day on January 27 and 28 to set up and decorate the library. We also need cashiers for the fair and family night.  Our theme this year is Books Bring Us Together.  Email Melanie Peterson at bookfair@hillelementary.com for more information.

AISD is committed to building transformational relationships that lead to a sense of trust and belonging for all. The district invites the community to share stories that make AISD feel like home! The Recognizing All Valuable Employees (RAVE) Program was created to honor those who take the extra steps to provide equitable and exceptional experiences. If you have a Hill staff member you would like to recognize, CLICK HERE!

Please join us this Thursday, 1/13 for our January PTA meeting. The meeting will be held in the cafeteria and will begin at 7:45 am. We will be voting on updates to the PTA Standing Rules (a copy of the proposed changes is on our website here). We will also take nominations for members of the Nominating Committee. This committee will consider and submit candidates for election to fill open PTA board positions. …

We are excited to announce that 5th-grader Carla Geck is the winner of Hill’s 2021-2022 yearbook cover contest!  Carla is a student in Mrs. Briles’s homeroom, and is a talented artist.  Here is her colorful design featuring our cute Dillo mascot.  Congratulations Carla!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to our Hill faculty and staff celebrating birthdays this month!  We are grateful for you and wish you the best!  1/08 Michelle Grona.  1/11 Alexa Lahey.  1/17 Greg Rohde.  1/23 Christal Fox.  1/24 Laura Jones.

Dear Hill Community,  We appreciate your support this week as we successfully began a new semester. Obviously, we are beginning the spring during a challenging time. Thank you all for your clear messaging to your students on the importance of masking and handwashing throughout the day. We were so proud of our community this week. We will continue with the clearest messaging possible. Please remember, Austin ISD is offering free testing…

There is no school for AISD students beginning December 20, 2021 through January 4, 2022. Enjoy your Winter Break, and we will see you back at school on January 5, 2022! Hill’s Dillo Details newsletter will not be sent over next two weeks, but keep an eye on your inbox for the next one on January 9, 2022!

We have two garden work days planned for the Winter Break!  December 20th and January 3rd, from 9am to 12pm.  The plan is to knock-out the following between the two days: 1) Spread remaining wood chips in the garden area…we are so close;  2) Lay the foundation for the potting bench and path for our neighbors to access the community beds;  3) Finish filling the herb garden with soil;  4) Start…
