We are excited to welcome back Austin ISD school board member Kristin Ashy next Wednesday, May 22nd, at 7:45 am in the Hill library to update families on the ongoing School Changes process. The information below includes a link to the district School Changes webpage, where you can also find the described draft regional maps being considered by the district and board.
As you may have heard, at their May 6th board work session, AISD trustees discussed three draft regional maps that AISD is considering as we move forward in the school changes process. The maps can be accessed on the School Changes Webpage: https://www.austinisd.org/schoolchanges/regional-maps. As a reminder, Planning Regions are an integral part of the reinvention planning process and serve as the starting point for identifying creative opportunities that could be incorporated into scenarios.
The maps are for planning purposes only and DO NOT represent:
- Attendance boundaries
- Feeder patterns
- Or vertical teams
Maps are subject to change and no map has been selected as final.
To be clear, in the future, the School Changes Process may yield scenario recommendations that could in fact result in changes to attendance boundaries, feeder patterns or vertical teams, but we are not at this juncture in the process yet. The planning regions shown on the maps are a tool used in the process to identify opportunities and challenges that might otherwise be missed if traditional planning regions were used. This method of planning also allows AISD staff to evaluate how all our schools work with one another to fully support the academic vision of the district while balancing our limited resources. Historically we have grouped schools together by vertical teams or by geographic regions that are bounded by major thoroughfares. While those factors will be considered, we recognize that if we limit our thinking to the way things have been done in the past, we might also limit the kids of solutions we come up with. All scenarios developed using planning regions will also be analyzed against vertical team and feeder patterns to ensure alignment with our Guiding Principles.
For more inflation on the AISD School Changes process, visit: