Dear Hill Community, We want to thank all of our families for another week of hard work at home with our Dillos. It was wonderful seeing and hearing from many of you again at our Principal Coffees on Thursday. If you missed them, you can see a recording of one of the sessions available in the Dillo Details. Hopefully this lengthy communication below can help answer a lot of questions you…

Your child’s latest report card is available in the AISD Parent Cloud.  Once logged in, click on the “Report Card –  Cartilla Escolar”  tile or search for the tile by typing ‘Report Card’.  You can also access grades in the “Grades, Assignments, & Attendance” tile.  If you do not have an AISD Parent Cloud Account, click here for instructions on how to create one. If you need additional assistance accessing your student’s…

Please join Parkhill, Smith and Cooper for a Zoom meeting on Wednesday, April 8th from 6:00 – 7:00pm for an update on the exciting developments for Hill Elementary School. The architects will will be reviewing the scope of the upcoming bond project, construction activities, and schedule. Join the Zoom Meeting Here Meeting ID: 582 951 475 Password: 011226

As a part of Austin Child Guidance Center’s commitment to support parents, we are offering a one hour virtual and real-time workshop on parenting during COVID-19 on Thursday, April 9th. We know many people are struggling to balance work, childcare, home-based teaching, and parenting, in the face of the current pandemic. And, we know many parents are struggling with how to deal with these stresses as well as help their children manage worries. You…

Dear Hill Community, We hope all of our families are staying healthy and safe at home. As I said in my message to our Dillos on Friday, we miss all of our students greatly but know they have the tools to be successful, even during this tough time. We want to make sure everyone is up to date on the plan for the next few weeks. School is closed until April…

Westover Hills Church (8332 Mesa Drive 78759 across the street from Anderson HS) has extended their food pantry hours.  Any Hill family who could use the support can either walk or drive to the church on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1-3:30 pm for a bag of curbside groceries.
