A Letter from Principal Drummond

Dear Hill Community,
We are excited to welcome a busy February at Hill School! We want to get it started with some fun announcements. Our 2020-2021 Teacher of the Year is Coach Melissa Monreal! This award is voted on by her peers and highlights the amazing things she brings to her fitness space and beyond on our campus. She will be further honored later on in the spring at our annual AISD Salute. Our Friday assembly will celebrate this with our students.

We also wanted to recognize 5th grade teacher Hannah Cotten for being recognized as a finalist this week by the State Board of Education for the Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching with Dr. Elizalde in virtual attendance. This is a prestigious honor and acknowledges the love for learning she creates in her students. She will now move on to the national level of recognition. Dillo Cheer for both of these excellent educators!

We will host our first Principal Check-In of the new month this upcoming Wednesday, February 3rd, at 4:00 pm. Here are the Zoom details:

Zoom Link
Meeting ID: 993 5611 8291
Passcode: dillos

Last call for yearbook student/faculty headshots! Please submit your headshot photo by Sunday, January 31, 2021 as these are now overdue. An email was sent on Thursday from Balfour with your personalized link to upload your picture. Please contact the Hill yearbook committee with any questions at yearbook@hillelementary.com.

Lastly, our thoughts are with the family of Dr. Katherine Lindley Dodson, the Casis community, and all of the families who were affected by the tragedy this week at the Children’s Medical Group. As Dr. Elizalde stated, thank you for supporting our children and each other in the community during this difficult time. Her impact on this city was evident the last few days. We hope you all have a safe and healthy week, everyone.

Principal Drummond
