NameMaitri Shah
Grade Level/Subject1st
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School Phone Number(512) 414-2369
Hobbies & Interests

Hobbies & Interests include reading historical fiction books or psychological thrillers, spending time with friends and family, traveling, organizing, watching reality TV and K-dramas.

Favorite Bookstore(s)

Amazon Kindle

Favorite Stores (other)

Nordstrom, Mi Golorinda, Madewell, Target, Anthropologie, Lululemon, Athleta, J.Crew, Sephora, Monogram lady, , Adelante

Favorite Color(s)Pink & Yellow
Favorite Restaurant(s)

Taco Flats, Taco deli, Este, Uchiko, Uchi, Chuys, Chipotle, Neighborhood Sushi, Loro, Barley Swine, Patrizi's, Licha's Cantina, Suerte

Favorite Food or Drink (type/meal etc.)

Food: Breakfast tacos (I am a pescatarian), popcorn, sweet and salty trail mix, anything chocolate 🙂

Drinks: Cosmic Charlie or Peachy Green from Jucie land, brown sugar shaken espresso from Starbucks, 007 over ice with extra shot of moon milk, Iced Chai, Sweet Tea, anything iced, nothing hot. I also don't drink bubbly wine or champagne.

Favorite Music (genre/artist etc.)

Taylor Swift, Harry Styles, Indian Music

Favorite Charitable Organization(s)

Loveland Foundation, Generation Serve, Partnerships for children

Favorite Gift Card(s)Nordstrom, Amazon, Target, Athleta, Lululemon
Link to Amazon
Link to Other Wishlist (Scholastic, Teachers Pay Teachers, etc)
Other Information You Want to Share?

I don't like anything that is vanilla scented.

I love being at Hill and a part of this wonderful community. So excited for another great year with Shahmadillos!