Hill Wishlist Items

If you would like to add items to our wishlist, please fill out the form below. You will receive an email when items are purchased from this wishlist. If you have specific needs (colors, dates, etc), make sure they are listed below. Submitting this form doesn't guarantee that an item will be purchased, but we will do our best!

  • You may enter more than one item by clicking the '+' sign to the right of the first row. Please list items in terms of preference, with your most desired item first. You may also just link to your Amazon wishlist, but please put in the comment section any items that are higher priority.
    Item NameLinkPrice per itemQuantityDate Needed 
  • Please describe if you have any special circumstances (Must have exact color, required by a certain date or not needed, etc)
  • Upon successful submission of this form, you will receive a confirmation message. If you do not receive this, your form was not successfully submitted. Scroll up to see any error messages or omitted fields.
    Contact treasurer@hillelementary.com if you have any questions.